you can do what you love

I left corporate marketing because writing about financial products didn’t fill me up. After a few years freelancing for magazines, teaching Yoga and raising boys, I got a job writing for an amazing Yoga nonprofit. 

But it wasn’t just writing pretty words. My Instagram posts were prompting hundreds of comments from people who felt understood. Our email campaigns drew dozens of replies from people who felt supported. Our tiny nonprofit grew 400% on Instagram! Our annual Challenge tripled in participants and more than doubled donations.

That’s when it hit me! 

I like writing about Yoga more than I like teaching. And marketing was never the problem. I just need to work with clients like you who care as much growing community as they do about sales. (And honestly, serving your community is how you grow a great business)

Now I help Yoga teachers write and plan the brilliant content they need to build communities full of devoted students.

Does this sound familiar?

  • Racing across town from studio to studio just to make your rent?

  • Nodding up and down that you love teaching every style – “Vinyasa, Hatha, Nidra, Chair, whatever really!”  – when you’d rather just be teaching one?!

  • Spending literally hours trying to get one Instagram post to work, and then nobody even sees it?!

  • Preparing the most beautiful soul-supporting theme for your class, and everybody turns up wanting “tums and bums”?!

  • Setting aside a weekend for marketing and getting nowhere because you don’t know whether to learn web development, graphic design or video editing?!

You need support from an expert who understands marketing and Yoga. 


Marketing and Communications

  • 20 years’ experience in business communications
  • Digital marketing specialist for Yoga teachers and studios
  • 3 years managing social media, email and blog content for Yoga nonprofit


  • 21 years of personal practice
  • 6 years yoga teaching experience, 250-hr YTT
  • 3 years teaching adults and youth with developmental challenges
  • 3 years trauma-informed volunteering in addiction treatment centres, 236-hr TIY Training

Mental Health

  • My work is motivated by a vision that all people deserve to feel pride in who they are, and connection with others.
  • My empathy comes from the lived experience of managing depression and anxiety, in part, through Yoga.

A few of my quirks…

I’m suspicious of things that sound too woo woo.

At the same time, I believe I can absorb wisdom from trees.

My favourite genres are magical realism, zombie survival, and reality dance competitions.

Before making big decisions, I check with science, the news, my psychologist, and my tarot cards. 

Wendy Goldsmith Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher and Writer

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