Writing Yoga & Wellness Content

Borrow my 20-plus years’ of writing experience to get the words down, hassle-free. 

Stuck? Book a free 30-minute call to get Yoga or Wellness content advice.



Extremely capable. Definitely relatable. Touch of sparkle.

Blog Articles

Educate, entertain, and keep them checking back.

Class Descriptions

Transformative. Accessible. Just what they’ve been looking for.


So full of substance, they get a hot tea ready before opening your email

Website Copy

Exactly what they needed to read to feel seen.

Workshop Slides

Engaging, informative eye candy keeps students focused.

Woman with grey hair and glasses does chair Yoga, Warrior 1

Yoga Bios

I write Yoga bios that capture all your credentials, relatable lived experience, and general amazing-ness. 


  • Consultation to clarify the kinds of opportunities and students you want to attract
  • Full version for your website
  • Paragraph length for promotions and listings
  • One-liner for social media bios

From $60

    Woman sits in meditation in front of leafy plants

    Blog Articles

    I can edit your drafts, or research and write great Yoga content on your behalf.

    What’s the value of a great blog post to you?

    • Rank higher in Google Search
    • Attract return visitors and subscribers
    • Establish expertise in your niche
    • Ready-to-go content you can repurpose for social media and newsletters

    Blog Price List

    Grey haired woman plans website copy on ipad

    Class Descriptions

    Position your Yoga offering as the one people choose over dozens of others.

    Ask me for:

    • Workshop proposals and promotional content
    • Class descriptions for community and studio listings

    Starting from $60

    Illustration of woman in Naukasana, boat pose


    If someone trusts you with their email address, you’d better give them something good to read.

    Hire me to:

    • Figure out what your subscribers want.
    • Check in and share wellness knowledge with your people.
    • Edit content you provide, or research and write from scratch.

    Newsletter Packages


    Woman ponders Yoga marketing ideas, laying on her stomach with notebook

    Website Copy

    New website? Together, we’ll clarify the impression you want to make. Then I’ll write copy that tells visitors they’ve found the perfect teacher or therapist.

    Current website not quite right? I specialize in cutting words that don’t serve, revealing one clear message.


    • Professional Home, About, Services and Contact pages.
    • Consultations on your goals and desired style.
    • Research into your ideal students or clients.
    • Style guide to keep you on track in future.

    Starting from $750

    Illustration of woman in tree pose with a chair for balance

    Workshop Slides

    Slides make workshops more accessible and interesting for students, and take pressure off you to entertain while delivering important insights.

     Hire me to:

    • Emphasize your key points.
    • Clarify challenging ideas.
    • Impress attendees with your depth of knowledge.

    Starting from $200

    Start building your community with beautiful Yoga or Wellness content.

    Let's Start Something new
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