Yoga Marketing Blog

Nonverbal or Nonspeaking

Nonverbal or Nonspeaking

When I started working for a disabilities nonprofit, one of my first projects was a social media post about language: Should you say nonverbal or nonspeaking when describing a person who doesn't speak aloud? They provided me an article written by an expert on the...

Using Personas in Yoga Marketing

Using Personas in Yoga Marketing

And Grow Your Online Community I imagine many yoga teachers and wellness practitioners hear “target audience” and imagine a room full of smarmy mad men zeroing in on their next gullible victims. But I’m a yoga teacher and mental health advocate, and I love creating...

Don’t Promote Yoga Classes, Offer Community

Don’t Promote Yoga Classes, Offer Community

Of course, you want your yoga business to succeed. It’s your baby, your life’s passion, your san kalpa! But who knew you’d have to put so much effort into promoting your yoga classes? And, (eek!) yourself!?! You might get over the icky feeling if your yoga promotions...

Beginner’s Mind in Yoga Promotions

Beginner’s Mind in Yoga Promotions

To write good copy for your social media promotions, your website, your blogs - you need to stop being yourself. Yes. It’s true. Don’t be yourself. Be your yoga student. You need to take yourself back to a state of beginner’s mind in yoga promotions or you won’t...

Cats Can’t Use Yoga for Habit Change

Cats Can’t Use Yoga for Habit Change

The first day Rosie pooped on the office floor was probably a reaction to change.  That’s what the vet said. My husband was also pretty sure. The night before he’d taken away one of the two litter boxes.  For the first few weeks after adopting Rosie, our other...

When to Break Social Media Rules

When to Break Social Media Rules

The algorithm is a hungry beast, with a bottomless stomach for content. It feeds on consistency, novelty, trends, growth – much like capitalism. Meaning that if you don’t post every day with trending hashtags, the algorithm won’t even show your post to anyone. But if...

Teaching Baby & Me Yoga Class Ideas

Teaching Baby & Me Yoga Class Ideas

Are you teaching baby & me yoga classes for the first time? You’re probably scrambling for baby yoga ideas, just like I was. This article has all the tricks that worked in my baby and me yoga classes…plus one that’s supposed to work but didn’t!   Check...

How to Write a Yoga Bio That’s Not Icky

How to Write a Yoga Bio That’s Not Icky

Yoga teacher bios are a nightmare to write. How long should it be? What should you say? Should you even be teaching yoga? (Your mind goes to dark places, seriously!) This guide tells you how to write a yoga bio with minimal suffering.  The short answer: Keep it...

Best Yoga Insurance Questions to Ask

Best Yoga Insurance Questions to Ask

Insurance is a necessity for Yoga Teachers. You can’t teach at yoga studios, community centres or almost anywhere without it. So how do you know if you’re getting the best Yoga insurance? The short answer is that the best Yoga insurance: Covers all the types of Yoga...

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